
Course Description

Public Relations or “PR” is more than just a profession. PR is a value-added capability that enables companies and organizations to maintain communication and relationships with internal and external stakeholders to achieve strategic goals. Today’s PR professional is many things — strategist, advisor, communicator, administrator, writer, visual producer, leader — responsible for delivering information and value to a variety of stakeholders.

PR practitioners come from different backgrounds such as business, marketing, the media, journalism, government, academia, non-profit, and more. Many companies and organizations around the world rely on PR to maintain their voice and visual presence, and respond to, inform, educate, raise awareness, and influence stakeholders. In this course, students will learn about theory (strategy) and execution (tactics) of PR; how and why PR is used by companies and organizations; and how PR influences the decisions and actions of stakeholders — the ultimate goals and results of PR.

Learner Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamentals, strategies, and tactics of PR.
  • Learn the various practice areas of PR.
  • Know internal and external stakeholders.
  • Know internal and external communications.
  • Learn how to develop a communication plan.
  • Learn how to engage with the media.
  • Develop basic public speaking and writing skills.
  • Learn basic business acumen.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.