ED X320.20 - STEM CON & Beyond 2024: Bring Your "A" Game in STEM Education
Course Description
STEM CON & Beyond 2024 is a three-day, an online professional development conference where elementary & secondary teachers engage in live and pre-recorded training on a wide range of STEM topics. Sessions are aimed to meet teachers where they are (literally & figuratively) to help them implement rigorous, innovative, and standards-based STEM lessons.
Throughout the conference, teachers gain access to video training as well as live panels and interviews with the presenters and special guests. Attendees will have multiple opportunities to interact with presenters to have their questions answered and to engage in discussion.
Course Outline
Learner Outcomes
PreK-12 teachers will receive a wide range of practical, actionable training from master educators and engineers so they can confidently implement rigorous and meaningful STEM programs with their students. In addition to training, attendees will receive printable STEM lessons and resources to use in classrooms right away.
From our 2023 conference:
“THANK YOU so much for the SECOND year of amazing, refreshing, rejuvenating, and inspiring ‘feel-good’ pd!!!
Is it too early to say I can’t wait until next year?
Best pd everrrr!!!
Jessica Hughes, STEAM Lab Teacher & Lifelong Learner”
1. To participate in the conference, please go to their website and enroll:
2. To enroll to receive CEU's credit through UCSB Extension/PaCE:
Steps to Enroll:
- Create Your Student’s Profile:
- Go to the top right-hand side of the website to log in.
- Visit your Student Portal.
- Create a new student profile. Your Student Profile Number will be capital X and 6 digit numbers (i.e. X123456).
- Search for the class to enroll in and click the "Add to Cart" button, then click checkout to complete the transaction.
- Are you still having trouble? Watch our video!
- After the grades are assigned, to order an official transcript, visit: How to order a Transcript
For conference questions, please contact Kerry Tracy at kerry@feelgoodteaching.com.