
Course Description

Students will learn firsthand from experts in the field. The discussion will focus on best strategies for getting started in the investing world.


  • Gain knowledge about the stock market and investing.
  • Gain knowledge about best practices for entering investment professions.

Learn about the skills students should be acquiring to become a successful investor.

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe strategies for getting started in investing.
  • Explain the important skills required for successful investing.


Completion of ECON X499.1 - X499.4

To enroll in Strategic Investments elective courses, students must have completed ECON X499.1, ECON X499.2, and ECON X499.4 with a grade C or better. 

If you have substituted ECON X499.1 with a ECON 134A please email your unofficial transcript to help@professional.ucsb.edu for assistance.  

Concurrent Enrollment Permissible: If you have already enrolled in ECON X499.1 / ECON X499.2 / ECON X499.4 and wish to register before the courses have completed, please contact PaCE Support at 805-893-4200 to bypass the prerequisite.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.