
Course Description

Exchange Traded Funds are fast becoming a preferred way to participate in a widening variety of investments. ETF’s are said to offer the best of both worlds; the intra-day trading of individual stocks with the convenience and pooled investment approach of mutual funds. All at a significantly reduced cost! This course will explore the various
types of ETF’s and how they can be used to construct a new portfolio as well as help diversify an existing one. Students will receive hands on experience in navigating this
at times confusing landscape, how to analyze and select between competing programs, along with a realistic view of ETF’s benefits and disadvantages. 

Learner Outcomes

  • Apply business cycle theory to identify investment opportunities
  • Understand basic concepts of “Top-Down” portfolio construction
  • Analyze existing portfolios to identify gaps and concentrations, and how to address them
  • Develop a working knowledge of ETF’s advantages, limitations and strategies




To enroll in Strategic Investments elective courses, students must have completed ECON X499.1, ECON X499.2, and ECON X499.4 with a grade C or better. 

If you have substituted ECON X499.1 with a ECON 134A please email your unofficial transcript to help@professional.ucsb.edu for assistance.  

Concurrent Enrollment Permissible: If you have already enrolled in ECON X499.1 / ECON X499.2 / ECON X499.4 and wish to register before the courses have completed, please contact PaCE Support at 805-893-4200 to bypass the prerequisite.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.