
Course Description

This course explores American culture, with a particular focus on the student culture and norms of an American University. Focus is placed on American cultural aspects of business, government and racial/ethnic diversity. Students learn to communicate effectively in both academic and social settings by completing guided interactive assignments both on and off campus. Course work covers negotiation of cross-cultural differences, educational norms, American values, campus services, campus communication and presentation skills. Students learn to participate effectively with appropriate register in varied academic situations including group discussion and presentations. Students work on public speaking skills and present a final oral presentation on an aspect of American culture.


Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Gain an understanding of American culture including business, government and racial/ethnic diversity

• Negotiate cross-cultural differences in educational norms

• Show an appreciation for other cultures

• Identify American values and how these values determine the unique culture of the United States

• Participate effectively with appropriate register in varied academic situations including group discussion and presentations

• Identify appropriate services on campus for various needs

• Show awareness of classroom style and expectations

• Acquire effective communication skills for teamwork

• Improve public speaking and presentation skills

• Work with a group to research and present a “hot topic” (controversial ethical issue)

Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.