
Course Description

Inclusive workplaces build on equal opportunity principles to create a culture of respect, involvement, and success for all employees. This course involves an examination of the complexity of a diverse workforce and explains how it can be used as an organizational asset. The course also considers paradigms that limit and promote inclusion and foregrounds what employers and employees can do to promote inclusive workplaces.

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Define concepts of diversity & inclusion, & the relationship between them, in the workplace 
  • Explore research that builds the case for creating an inclusive work environment, fostering diversity

  • Define unconscious bias and explore leadership behaviors and HR practices that overcome bias in the workplace

  • Identify best practices for creating an inclusive organizational culture

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.