
Course Description

Talent development begins the moment an employee joins the organization and has a direct impact on organizational effectiveness. This highly interactive course examines strategies for assessing, designing, and implementing human resource development efforts that positively impact the performance of the individual, the work group, and the organization.

Course topics include: The design, development, and implementation of formal training processes; Organizational development methodologies; Succession planning and its interface to performance management; Competencies required for effective HRD; Organizational factors that influence HRD and change management in organizations; Trends in HRD, such as human performance technology.

Learner Outcomes

•    Understand the theory behind and practical application of adult learning concepts
•    Develop an understanding of strategies to assess, design, and implement training and development programs
•    Understand core competencies required to effectively develop employees, such as program/project management, coaching, emotional intelligence, facilitation, and group dynamics
•    Understand organizational development programs, including effective onboarding, mentor programs, job rotation, and team development activities, that improve individual and/or group performance
•    Develop and understanding of succession plans and performance management systems
•    Identify and evaluate the latest trends in HRD, such as human performance technology
•    Develop an understanding of organizational factors that influence HRD and change management strategies

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.