
Course Description

This course is an introduction to the strategic contribution of human resource management to the total business enterprise. This course provides an overview of basic human resource management functions: workplace law and regulations, human resource metrics and cost analysis, recruitment, total rewards, compensation and benefits, training and development, and organizational behavior. Also included in the overview are basic elements, including understanding the functions of HRM within an organization, typical designs of HRM departments, the responsibilities and roles of HRM personnel, and an exploration of HRM as a career. The instruction lays a broader foundation for topics that are covered throughout the certificate, which include the following:

  • Ethics
  • Motivational theories
  • Needs assessments
  • Contracts and requests for proposals
  • Communication
  • Adult learning theories

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the class, students will be able to:

  • Explain the strategic contribution of human resource management to the total business enterprise
  • Define HR’s function within an organization
  • Differentiate among typical designs of HRM departments
  • Summarize the responsibilities and roles of HRM personnel
  • Explore HRM career options
  • Characterize the basic human resource management functions including workplace law and regulations; human resource metrics and cost analysis; recruitment; compensation, benefits, and total rewards; training and development; and, organizational behavior


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.