
Course Description

Managing economic fluctuations can be one of the most vexing challenges facing decision makers. Unexpected shifts can derail even the best laid investment plans to the chagrin of many an investment professional. This course explores how business cycles influence economic activity and portfolio performance, which investment strategies can make the most sense, and how authorities apply Monetary and Fiscal Policy to smooth cycle disruptions.

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand business cycle phases, cycle causes and their potential triggers
• Determine where we are in a business cycle including the usage of KPI dashboards
• Identify the appropriate investment adjustments during each phase
• Explain how monetary and fiscal policy can impact business cycles
• Understand risk on vs risk off and how to determine which is prevalent
• Describe the characteristics of Investment Styles(Value v Growth), Capitalization, and Sectors Strategies and how can these be tactically adjusted during different cycle phases


Successful completion of ECON X499.1 and ECON X499.1

Completion of the following courses is required to enroll in ECON X499.5:

  • ECON X499.1 - Introduction to Financial Economics
    • If you have completed ECON 134A (with a C grade or better) please contact PaCE Support at help@professional.ucsb.edu or 805-893-4200

Concurrent Enrollment Permissible: If you have already enrolled in ECON X499.1 & ECON X499.2 and wish to register for ECON X499.5 before the courses have completed, please contact PaCE Support at 805-893-4200 to bypass the prerequisite. 

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Not offered this quarter. Classes are offered according to the schedule on the respective Certificate or Program Page. Please click on the Request Information below to be promptly notified when enrollment opens.