Application Fee


If you completed TMP X130F during or before Spring 2024 and intend to count the course toward the curriculum requirements:

  1. Application for Candidacy:

    • You must complete this application if you plan to earn the professional certificate.
    • Submit the Application for Candidacy along with the non-refundable fee of $150 by the time you enroll in your third course.
  2. Individual Course Enrollment:

    • You do not need to complete the Application for Candidacy if you only plan to enroll in individual courses.

If you will not complete TMP X130F during or before Spring 2024:

  1. Revised Program Application:
    • Do not submit this application or pay the $150 fee.
    • Register for TMP X111, and the revised program application for the 2024/2025 academic year will be included in that process.